Text can be inserted easily in more or less any font plus it can work out the correct alignment and calibration. They even have some free covers on their online library. You have a collection of clipart to use or you can import your own.
The software allows you to create your own artwork using predefined templates (so you don?t struggle to guess the correct size and shape).
You can print both labels and covers for CD DVD and Bluray with this software when combined with a label applicator. Create Print and MoreĮxPressit is a very simple tool and you may not be impressed by the basic interface however it?s very easy to use and does the job well. Thanks to software like exPressit it?s possible to print your own labels and box covers with ease for free. A bland disc with a name scribbled on in marker just isn?t the same as a nicely printed disc. Sometimes it can even turn into a hobby! But the downside is always painfully clear- they don?t look great. Burning DVDs CDs and Blurays is a really useful way to store media and make your own music or video discs.